Upon a recent trip to Cornwall, McQueens’ Commerical Manager, Andrea Bassoli and School Principal, Sophie Powell made a pilgrimage to the renowned...
Read moreThe month of June heralds the start of many joyous occasions in the natural world, not least summer and the arrival of endless floral beauty. It al...
Read moreWe have long extolled the belief that scent is as integral to the beauty of a flower as its form. Being immersed in an abundance of fragrances is o...
Read moreThe McQueens journey (spanning three decades and counting) has been one of dizzying proportions - the rise from opening a small Shoreditch premises...
Read moreVersatile, long-lasting and dynamic – it’s no wonder creating these seasonal wreaths is one of McQueens Flower Schools’ most popular classes. From ...
Read moreFollowing the fantastic success of our pop up school in Korea last year we are very excited to announce an expansion of the McQueens family with a ...
Read more2018 was a thrilling year for McQueens Flower School. Kicking off with our 20th anniversary, it set the tone for an exciting 12 months ahead. We de...
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